There are times when it becomes necessary to surrender a pet.
Your pet’s best interest is our mission.
Please help us accomplish our goals by considering the following:
- Have you taken steps to try to place the dog yourself?
You can ask friends or relatives or place ads in local papers. You can also check with your vet. Another possibility that has worked for some pet owners is to temporarily board your animal, if the situation you are facing can be resolved in a short time frame.
- Are you considering surrendering your pet because of a change in your life situation and you feel you are unable to cope?
Life changes like a new baby, or another new pet, a new job or new working hours, a move, or a health issue are taxing for adults, physically, emotionally and time-wise. Pets are much like children at these times – they sense our anxiety and they need more attention than usual, just at when our energies are most limited.

- The online application includes questions regarding the following:
- Age
- Sex
- Alteration status
- Medical History (Shots, etc)
- Pictures of front, side and double dews
- Any known history of the dog
- Nearest major city
- How long can you continue to hold the dog until a foster home becomes available
Guidelines for Surrendering your Pyr

- A cash donation is requested, especially if your dog is not up-to-date on shots, heartworm prevention, flea prevention, or is not spayed or neutered, or de-wormed. All these items will need to be done prior to placement of the dog in a new home, and our funds are limited, so we will ask for whatever help you can provide in accomplishing this.
- Remember to donate your pet-related items. A blanket or toy with a familiar smell could be very comforting to your pet. Other items like food, flea treatment, leashes, etc, can be used by Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue or passed on to adoptive families who can use them.
- When surrendering your pet, we will do our best to make arrangements that are compatible with your needs, but we often have a waiting list. Some of the constraints we have include a limited number of foster homes and our dependence on volunteers for rescue transports – Texas is a HUGE state. If you are able to do the transport it may enable us to place your pet sooner. Would you be willing to ‘Foster’ your own dog and bring them to adoption days until a home can be found? (This will require you to sign, agree to, and follow our foster regulations. Once you have surrendered your pet you will not be able to ‘give’ the dog to anyone. The dog will be considered TGPR property and any interested parties will need to fill out an application and be approved for adoption.)
- Donate items like food, flea treatment, toys, blankets, collars, leashes. A new home and a new environment can be an anxious time for a dog, and having familiar items, and familiar scents about can give your dog some security. Any required item that you can provide us to help care for your dog will help make our funding go farther.
- It is very important that you tell us as much as possible about your pet. We need to know about any temperament issues so that we can place your dog in the appropriate foster situation. We need to know about any health issues you are aware of so we can determine the appropriate care for your animal. When we are not informed of these things we often spend time and or money that we could have avoided spending with better planning.

Fill out the online Surrender Application.
Provide us with as much information as possible to avoid delays in processing.
If you have questions concerning your application after it has been submitted, please visit our contacts page to send an email to your area coordinator. The coordinator will contact you to answer your questions.

Fill out the online Surrender Application.
Provide us with as much information as possible to avoid delays in processing.
If you have questions concerning your application after it has been submitted, please visit our contacts page to send an email to your area coordinator. The coordinator will contact you to answer your questions.